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Friday, February 12, 2010


What flavor fluoride do you choose? Cherry, mint, strawberry, orange, or regular? I used to choose the Cherry flavor. If I was going to sit there for a minute with my mouth shoved open and a tube sucking all my slobber out I might as well have a flavor I like right? Now when I am asked this question I just say "No thank you." I've learned what fluoride does to your teeth is ok, but what it does to your brain isn't good at all. Have you ever heard of Prozac? nerve gas? rat poison? Then what about toothpaste? mouth wash? drinking water? All of the things that were just listed all contain fluoride.
***The very first occurrence of purposefully putting sodium fluoride into drinking water was in the German ghettos and in Nazi Germany's infamous prison camps. The Gestapo you see had little concern about sodium fluoride's 'supposed' effect on children's teeth; instead, their reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to STERILIZE HUMANS and force the people in their concentration camps into calm, bovine, submission.***
Although our consumption of fluoride through water and toothpaste isn't as large of an amount as was given to those in the prison camps, if you think about a tiny leak in the ceiling and you place a bucket under it to catch the water slowly but surely that bucket will fill. Although you may not feel the effects maybe your children will or their children.
Fluoride isn't a natural ingredient in water. It's H2O(one part hydrogen 2 parts oxygen) not H2OF. That means they are placing an unecessary chemical into the water. We don't need it so why is it there? Even though you may not be getting any side effects from fluoride consumption you should think about the future of your family. You can start taking precautions now no matter your age.
Some products that you may use that are fluoride free:
1. Toothpastes
-Toms of Maine(many flavors and kinds)
-Dr. Sharp
-JASON Powersmile (what I use)
2. Mouth Wash
-Toms of Maine(many flavors and kinds)
-Dr. Sharp
3. Water
-There isn't a brand of water that I know of that doesn't have some fluoride in it. You can buy filters online that help remove all or most of the fluoride.
*** Borrowed from http://www.greaterthings.com/Lexicon/F/Fluoride.htm

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